We begin a life-changing journey together. You and I will work in a safe place where you are honored as a unique, blessed soul, full of potential, love and joy.
How would you define coaching?
As a coach, my goal is to inspire and motivate you to take meaningful action towards your goals. When we partner together, we unlock a realm of endless possibilities. Transitioning from a corporate career to coaching was a liberating experience for me, like breaking free from confinement and discovering my true purpose. I can guide you on a similar transformative journey. Coaching empowers us to delve into your authentic self, recognizing your incredible value and impact in the world. My aim is to establish a profound, personal connection with you so that you feel unequivocally valued and supported in pursuing your aspirations. In this nurturing environment, you can express yourself openly without fear of judgment, embracing vulnerability, creativity, and resourcefulness. In a coaching relationship, we can authentically explore and unleash your full potential without any facades.
How do you approach your clients?
My approach is to cherish each client as if they are invaluable treasures—because they truly are! I aim to leave a lasting positive impact on every individual I encounter, instilling in them a sense of limitless possibilities and empowerment. By showing unconditional love and fostering joy and gratitude, I strive to help every client realize their own self-worth and potential. Treating everyone with this level of care ensures lasting client relationships. I set my clients up for success by nurturing a culture of positivity and growth. When they achieve their goals, it is a mutual victory. It's a simple philosophy that guides my interactions with each and every client.
My mission is to empower individuals to recognize their greatness, pursue their aspirations, and live authentically.
When you engage in coaching with me, I want you to ask yourself: Do you feel proud of the person staring back at you in the mirror? Does that reflection embody the person you aspire to be? Are you content in all aspects of your life? Are you engaged in work that fulfills you and allows you to make a meaningful contribution? Do you approach life with enthusiasm and passion? How are your relationships with friends and family? What is the state of your intimate connections? Do you feel a sense of unity with the world around you?
And most importantly, how do you view yourself and the life you're leading? Are you living in alignment with your dreams? Can you honestly say that you are utilizing your talents and capabilities to their fullest potential? Consider your financial situation – do you feel abundant or constrained? Evaluate your daily environment – do you appreciate each day as a gift, or do you merely try to make it through? Reflect on the quality of your life at this moment. Few people have the courage to confront these questions, and even fewer can affirmatively answer them. Where do you stand? Are you fully embracing life in all its facets? Is your life an inspiration or a cautionary tale? Do you believe that there is untapped potential within you waiting to be unleashed? Are you inundated with information but yearning for true wisdom? What if there existed a path to unlock more of your inherent potential?
Success often leaves behind valuable clues. Imagine encountering someone who has dedicated their life to uncovering these secrets of success, eager to share them with you to transform your own life. How would your life be different if you woke up each morning filled with excitement and anticipation? What if your perspective shifted from saying "good God morning" to "good morning God," reflecting a deeper sense of gratitude and purpose? There are individuals who have achieved tangible success but still feel a void within. Remember, success is about attaining your desires, while genuine happiness stems from cherishing what you already possess.
Are you prepared to acquire the skills and tools that will propel you out of bed early each day and keep you engaged late into the night, all because your life is deeply fulfilling and rewarding? Perhaps you recognize that you've been settling for a life of compromise. Consider this: as a society, we readily invest in personal trainers for physical fitness, music teachers for artistic pursuits, and coaches for sports excellence. Why not also engage a life coach or success coach to enhance your overall well-being and fulfillment? Reflect on the words of Michelangelo: "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." Step away from settling for mediocrity and seize control of your destiny, starting today.
You are never given a wish w/o also being given the power to make it true. YOU may have to work for it, however, it’s worth it
My Favorite Books
The Bible
Hinds Feet - Hannah Hurnard
Dream Giver - Bruce Wilkerson
God's Generals series - Robert Liardon
The Blessed Life - Robert Morris
40 Days to a Joy - Filled Life - Thomas Newberry
Total Forgivness - RT Kendal
Dancing with Anger - Harriet Lerner
Heal Your Body - Louise Hay
Waking Up Just In Time - Abraham Twerski
Addictive Thinking - Abraham Twerski
Emotional Health
Emotional Blackmail - Susan Black
Healing is a Choice - Steve Arterburn
Walking into Walls - Steve Arteburn
The Gift of Fear - Gavin de Becker
In Sheep's Clothing - George K. Simon
Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman
Love & Respect - Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
10.000 Ways to be Romantic - Gregory Godek
Non Violent Communication - Marshall B Rosenberg
Life Code - Dr. Phil McGraw
Money Masters - Tony Robbins
The One Minute Millionaire - Mark Victor Hansen & Robert Allen
Sale of a lifetime - Harry Dent
Road to Wealth - Suzy Orman
Leadership & Personal Power
Money Masters - Tony Robbins
The One Minute Millionaire - Mark Victor Hansen & Robert Allen
Sale of a lifetime - Harry Dent
Road to Wealth - Suzy Orman
Health & Vitality
Eat Rich, Live Long - Ivor Cummings & Jeffry Gerber
Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? - Mark Hyman
The Plant Paradox -Steven Grundy
Ketogenic Meal Plan - Eric Berg
Other Good Reads
God's Psychiatry - Charles Allen
The Three Trees - Retold by Angela Hunt
Harold and the Purple Crayon - Crockett Johnson
And, of course, my own book: Help! I'm Being Attacked by My Cell Phone