It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped!
- Tony Robbins
When you look in the mirror, are you proud of the reflection you see? Does the person looking back epitomize who you really want to be? Are you completely satisfied with all areas of your life? Are you doing what you love, the satisfaction of contribution? Do you have a zest for life? How are your relationships with friends and family? What about intimate relationships with your lover? Do you feel a connection with the universe? What about the relationship you have with yourself? Are you living the life you dare to dream? Can you honestly say you are maximizing your abilities, using your full potential? What about the area of finance, are you living in abundance or lack? What about your environment, is each day a gift? Are you getting from your day or just trying to get through the day? Please think about these questions, how is the overall quality of your life today? There are very few people who have the courage to even ask these questions. A much smaller number can answer yes to even some of these questions! How about you? Are you living your life fully in all these areas? Is your life an example or is it a warning? Do you believe that deep down there is more to your life? Do you feel as if you are drowning in information yet starving for wisdom? What if there was a way to harness more of your potential?
Success leaves clues. What if someone who has spent their entire life searching for the answers, those success secrets, that would help you transform your life? How would your life change if every morning you woke up excited about your life? If your mindset change from good God morning, to good morning God? There are those who are successful in their life but are also not fulfilled. Remember, success in life is getting what you want, but happiness in life is wanting what you get.
Are you ready to learn the skills and tools that will get you up early and keep you late, because your life is so satisfying and rewarding? Deep down you know you are living your compromise. Isn’t interesting that as a society we will pay for a trainer to help us get in peak physical shape, or a teacher to learn an instrument like the guitar or piano. We will hire a coach to help us improve our tennis or golf? Yet the idea of a life coach is somehow an admission that we do not have all the answers ourselves. But why not have a life coach, a success coach? It was Michelangelo who said, “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high, and we miss it, but that it is too low, and we reach it.” It is time to quit settling for less in your life and take control, starting today!
Results Coaching with Tanya
Results coaching is quickly becoming one of the primary tools that successful people use to be their best. I work with clients on virtually any goal they want to achieve, including:
Business planning: goal setting and increasing revenue
Healthy Lifestyle: Creating a healthy and fulfilling life that is less stressful and more fun
Work/Life Balance: Integrating personal and professional roles to achieve a healthy balance
Decision Making: Making key decisions and designing strategies
Career planning: Choosing a career that is both fulfilling and profitable.
Financial Health: Developing a healthy relationship with money and Increasing financial reserves
Coaching works because of 3 unique features:
Synergy: The coach serves as a success partner, focusing on your goals and needs, enabling you to accomplish and achieve much more than you would on your own.
Structure: With a coach, you take more actions, think bigger and get the job done, thanks to the accountability and motivation the coach provides.
Expertise: A coach helps you access the expertise you already have hidden deep within you . . . bringing to the surface resources and information that allow you to make smarter decisions, set better goals and achieve a more fulfilling life.
What is Results Life Coaching?
Results Life Coaching is a synergistic relationship between an accredited life coach and a client designed to tap into your full potential. Just as Olympic athletes wouldn’t think of training without the added insight, objective perspective and enthusiastic support of an athletic coach, many of today’s most successful business leaders, professionals, executives, entrepreneurs and CEOs use the services of a life coach to take their lives, careers, or businesses to the next level.
Does life coaching work? Indeed!
Coaches have the ability to view things from afar — in what some call ‘helicopter vision’ — and to shed new light on difficult situations. Often, they can act as a sounding board through tough decisions, help sharpen skills, inspire.
CFO Magazine
An article in Public Management revealed a study where training alone was compared to life coaching combined with training. The study showed that training alone increased productivity by 22.4% while training combined with weekly life coaching increased productivity by 88%.
Here is why:
Most clients meet twice a month. This regularly scheduled call prompts clients to get more done than they would if left to their own devices. Think about it, if you work out with a personal trainer at the gym, you work much harder than on your own. Clients take bigger actions, set bigger goals and think bigger when they work with a professional coach.
I am an expert with over 20,000 hours specific high level training, I know how to help you set the right goals, make more money, and structure your personal and professional life to achieve greater productivity with less effort. You’ll achieve more in less time, by working with me.
Most clients find that things start to happen very quickly after hiring me.
Who works with a Results Life Coach?
Entrepreneurs, executives, business leaders, actors, musicians, creative people, managers, small business owners, start-ups, professionals and home-makers all reach their goals with the help of a life coach. If there is a gap between where you are now and where you want to be, there is room for life coaching. I can help you close the gap, assists you to break through your limited beliefs and challenge you to think bigger.